Write about approach taken by social worker in brandons case

Discussion Post

1) Review Brandon's case in the Social Work Case Studies interactive media in the Learning Resources.

2) Reflect on the social worker's actions and how you would approach the case. Write about the approach taken by the social worker in Brandon's case.

3) Identify how the social worker might have used the ecological model to understand Brandon's situation based on a person-in-environment perspective. Explain the use of the ecological model in this case on micro, mezzo, and macro levels.

4) Describe strengths that the social worker may have missed in assessing Brandon and his mother.

5) Explain how the social worker applied social work ethics and values in the case.

6) Review the challenges that the social worker identifies and explain the impact the abuse could have had on Brandon had his strengths not been identified and addressed.

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Write about approach taken by social worker in brandons case
Reference No:- TGS03191020

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