
Write about an issue that is currently in the news


Your brief is to write a media-style article on a subject of your choice related to climate change or any of the other issues covered on this module.

You are strongly encouraged to write about an issue that is currently in the news, or one about which you have personal experience. You will also gain marks for the originality of the subject and your discussion of it. You will need to develop a strong and clear narrative to the article, and we encourage you to develop strong opinions (which must be supported by your references). You will also gain marks for including evidence from suitably authoritative sources (journal papers, the IPCC, etc). The session on Academic Writing & Communicating Scientific Evidence will help you a lot with this, as will wider reading. You will be marked on the strength of your arguments, and not whether or not we agree with them!

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Reference No:- TGS03214270

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