WTO/Preferential trade arrangements (PTA)'s/Trade Policy Assignment
1. Find a newspaper article about an issue involving the World Trade Organization (WTO), trade policy or Preferential Trade Agreements in the U.S.
-The article has to have been written in the last two years.
-Please provide a complete citation of the publication and the URL for the source or a scan of the original publication.
2. Write a complete paragraph summarizing the main point of the article. Someone has to be able to understand your paragraph without reading the article. (300 words)
3. Write another paragraph evaluating a particular argument made in the article using one of the tools (Import Tariffs and Quotas Under Perfect Competition/ The Ricardian Model/ Specific-Factors Model/ The Heckscher-Ohlin Model/Intertemporal Consumption Choice model) you learned in this class. If you choose, you can support your argument with graphs (these can be drawn by hand and attached). (250 words)