Write about a time when you tried to convince someone to do

Discussion Post: Basic English Blog

Being able to present a strong argument is a valuable skill. Put simply, arguing helps us get things that we want, whether it is ordering pizza over Chinese, seeing a certain movie over another, purchasing a new car rather than repairing an old one, moving from one state to another, or going on vacation during the summer rather than staying at home. We also use argument to try and get others to change their ideas and beliefs or to take action. We might try to convince someone that the minimum wage should be raised, or persuade a family member to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Arguing is something that we do constantly, though we often might not think about what makes an argument successful. As we prepare for our persuasive essay (due in week four) we consider elements of successful persuasion. Three of the main elements of persuasion are Ethos (ethics) Logos (logic) and Pathos (Emotion). Successful persuasion may rely on appealing to one's sense of order (logic), one's understanding of what is morally right (ethics) or what is humane (emotion).

Note: In this blog, you will share an example of convincing someone to agree with you based on a personal preference. When you write your persuasive essay, the topic should be research based, a topic that has a more universal understanding or appeal.

Respond the prompt below in no less than two paragraphs (250 words). In the first paragraph, describe the situation. In the second paragraph, tell the reader why or why not your efforts to convince were successful.

o Write about a time when you tried to convince someone to do something. What reasons and/or evidence did you offer? Were you successful in your argument? Why or why not? The position you were trying to promote can be something simple like where to go to dinner or more complex like purchasing a car.

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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English: Write about a time when you tried to convince someone to do
Reference No:- TGS03176682

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