
Write a word summary discussing milestones and experience


Create a flowchart using Microsoft® Word or any other application.

Include the following:

• Major milestones and experiences in your life from early to middle adulthood: Project possible events if middle adulthood has not been reached.

• At least three milestones and experiences in the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional developmental areas

Write a 200- 300 word summary discussing the following:

• Which of these milestones and experiences have had the greatest effect on your relationships and in what ways?

A flow chart can be boxes with text that are connected by arrows. It can also be text connected by arrows. You can use Power point, excel, or word to complete the assignment. This assignment asks you to focus only on two periods of development: early and middle adulthood. You will need to choose three milestones or experiences in each domain, physical, cognitive, and socioemotional. For example, in early adulthood, you may list a physical milestone of childbirth, a cognitive milestone of entering college or starting a new career, and a socioemotional experience of marriage or a relationship change. In middle adulthood, you may have to predict milestones or experiences if you are still in early adulthood. Those experiences might include grey hair forphysical changes, memory changes in the cognitive domain, and friendship or partner changes in socioemotional domain.

Remember that you will need to list three milestones or experiences per domain. That is a total of 18 experiences or milestones.

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Microeconomics: Write a word summary discussing milestones and experience
Reference No:- TGS01813825

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