
Write a word paper on asian-americans


Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on Asian-Americans. On many indicators of success, such as income and education, Asian-Americans, while a distinct minority, surpass Whites in America. Why is this?

Include the following:

• Cultural value of Asians toward education
• History of discrimination in the U.S.
• Similarities and differences between Asian values and the dominant American values
• Family
• Extended family behaviors
• Cultural values toward authority, both personal and institutional
• Respect of adults

Format your paper consistent with appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Create a PowerPoint® presentation of 9 to 12 slides. In the 2000 census, people of mixed-race were allowed to select more than one race for their racial category. This change reflected a national increase in:

• The acceptance of interracial couples
• The number of interracial relationships (formal and informal)
• The number of individuals who identify with two or more races.

Consider the following:

• How does this change reflect racial and ethnic diversity in the US, racial tolerance and the future of race relationships in the U.S.?

Include in the presentation:

• An introductory and conclusion slide
• Graphics
• References, including at least four references beyond the textbook (they can be others from the class)
• Extensive speaker notes

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

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Other Subject: Write a word paper on asian-americans
Reference No:- TGS02006045

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