
Write a windows script that takes names of two files as


Write a Windows script that takes any command as a parameter and displays help on that command (e.g. the result of execution of /?).

Write a Windows script that takes directory and an attribute as two parameters and displays all files with that attribute in a specified directory and its subdirectories.

Write a Windows script that takes names of two files as parameters and copies content of one file into another without asking any questions. The copy should contain a note that it is a copy, name of the original file, current date and time after the content.

Write a Windows script that takes a file name as a parameter and ask if a user wants to delete that file. If the answer is ‘Y' and the file exists, it is deleted. If the file does not exist, an error message is displayed.

Write a Windows script that asks user to enter a positive integer number, prints that number and prints whether that number is odd or even. Print an error message and quit if a user enters a negative or a real number.

Write a Windows script that writes all hidden files in a directory and all subdirectories to a file. Both directory and a file name are passed as parameters.

Write a Windows script that asks user for a memory usage limit and displays all processes that exceed the limit.

Write a Windows script that plays guess-a-number game, shrinks the range with each guess, and counts attempts. Your program should correctly process a case when a user enters a number smaller than current min or greater than current max. In such cases an attempt counter should change, but the range must stay the same.

Write a Windows script that asks user to enter a positive integer number, prints that number and prints whether that number is odd or even. Print an error message and quit if a user enters a negative or a real number. Do not use the remainder operator.

Implement a history functionality on Windows. Write a history.bat that takes any command and its switches as parameters, writes and incremental number and the command to a file history.log, and executes that command with all the options and switches. When called without any parameters, history.bat displays content of history.log.

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Computer Engineering: Write a windows script that takes names of two files as
Reference No:- TGS02944980

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