
Write a well-organized expository essay to practice


An expository essay is an effective means of articulating our ideas on powerful topics and raising awareness of how different issues influence our lives. By having an unbiased view of particular issues and controversies, we empower ourselves and each other to lead rich, full, and authentic lives.

ASSIGNMENT: 1000 word Expository Essay describing, explaining or informing your audience of your chosen subject. You must use one of the stories read as a main reference.

TOPIC: The Link Between Self-Esteem and Physical Beauty for Girls * The Ethical Dilemma and Moral Compromise* The Essentialist Difference Between Men and Women * Cultural Expectations of Men Versus Woman* The Ethics of Scavenging* The Meaning and Significance of the Human Existence

PURPOSE: To write a well-organized expository essay; to practice revision skills, and to practice documentation skills.

SUBJECT: A thesis-controlled expository essay exploring a focused topic of interest to you on gender. By an expository purpose, we mean an essay that informs and explains. "To inform" means to give information. For example: Today more women enroll in college than men. "To explain" means to clarify, enlighten, interpret, account for, and raise awareness about. Therefore, to explain why more women are in college, you might say: Today women want to assert their independence and secure high paying jobs requiring a college degree.

AUDIENCE: The academic community. However, you might want to narrow your audience to either the men or the women in the class. Custom design your content to meet the needs of your particular audience.

ORGANIZATION: This is an issued controlled essay. It should begin with a statement that clearly defines the issue being discussed in the paper. Your subject will influence your pattern of exposition, and therefore your organization of the development of your issue. Your supporting paragraphs should have a clear topic sentence, be fully developed, demonstrate unity, and coherence.

The essay must be presented in MLA format.

Include some of the points from any one of the below in the essay

Introduction to Expository Writing (Read pgs. 313-317 in WP)
1. Read the following 4 fables:
The Lion and the Mouse*The Ants and the Grasshopper * The Crow and the Pitcher *The Rat and the Elephant*

HW: Read "A Few Too Many" by Joan Acorella pg. 319, "The Ugly Truth about Beauty" by Dave Berry pg. 341 and "The Insufficiency of Honesty" by Steven L. Carter pg. 362 "What You Don't Know Makes Your Nervous" by Daniel Gilbert pg. 417

Discuss Readings
Review Expository Writing
Fact V. Opinion
HW: "Why Boys Don't Play With Dolls" by Katha Pollitt pg. 544, "Hip Hop Planet" by James McBride pg. 482, "Why McDonald's Fries Taste So Good" by Eric Scholosser pg. 547 Work on Rough Draft of Essay #2

Discuss Readings
Read Descriptions
Fact V. Opinion
HW: Read: "No Name Woman" by Maxine Hong Kingston pg. 453, "This is the Life" by Annie Dillard, "On Dumpster Diving" by Lars Eighner pg. 399 Short Writing Assignment #3

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Dissertation: Write a well-organized expository essay to practice
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