
Write a two class application that creates a customer code


Write a two class application that creates a customer code to be placed on a mailing label for a magazine. Allow the user to input their full name with the first name entered first. Prompt them to separate their first and last name with a space. Ask for their birthdate in the format of mm/dd/yyyy. Ask for the month (number) they purchased a subscription and ask for their zip code. Your mailing label should contain the last name, followed by their year of birth, the number of characters in the full name, the first three characters of the month they purchased the subscription, and the last two digits of their zip. The code for Bob Clocksom born 01/22/1993, who purchased his subscription during the 10th month of the year and lists 32226 as his zip code would be Clocksom9312Oct26.

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Computer Engineering: Write a two class application that creates a customer code
Reference No:- TGS02645507

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