
Write a toulmin essay on child neglect the toulmin method


Write a toulmin essay on child neglect. The toulmin method is an informal method of reasoning. Created by the british philosopher stephen toulmin it involves the grounds (data), claim, and warrant of an argument. These three parts of the argument are all necessary to support a good argument. The grounds are the evidence used to prove something.

This essay must include a minimum of five sources. Three should be peer-reviewed sources.

I have included the 3 peer reviewed sources as attachments and here are their work cited:

Dubowitz, howard. "neglect in children." pediatric annals, vol. 42, no. 4, 2013, pp. 73-7, proquest central.

Friedman, emily, and stephen b. Billick. "unintentional child neglect: literature review and observational study." psychiatric quarterly, vol. 86, no. 2, 2015, pp. 253-259, proquest central; proquest scitech collection.

Van miert, catherine. "dealing to child neglect." kai tiaki : nursing new zealand, vol. 21, no. 2, 2015, pp. 32-33, proquest central.

Make sure to include the following sections in your essay:

An introduction and claim,
and a conclusion.
Within the body of your essay, make sure to include the following in any order:
Support for your claim,
opposing or alternate views,
the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents' claims,
and your rebuttals of their claims.

Here is a sample outline:

I intro with thesis: child neglect is a dangerous form of maltreatment in children and parents should be held accountable

Ii background info: child neglect can be mental and/or physical

a. Ignoring a crying child or a quiet child

b. Prioritizing work over spending quality time with the child.

Iii support: parents are the first line of defense against neglect, they naturally should know their child better than anyone and as such, must be able to recognize signs of neglect.

A. Parents should spend more time than anyone with their children

b. Parents must have a way of crosschecking with substitute care providers in case of a busy schedule.

Iv opposing view: parents might have issues of their own preventing them from being available for their child.

A. Work requirements, stress and depression can greatly influence how attentive parents are.

B. When parents fail, what other safeguards exists to recognize neglect?

V. Rebuttal: a child cannot be blamed for neglect; when a child is brought into this world, care and attention is expected.

Vi. Conclusion: child neglect has no excuses, government and communities must work with parents to eradicate child neglect and hold such parents accountable for such negligence.

Finally: an annotated bibliography (ab) is due with your toulmin essay. Using the mla guide, list each source as it will appear on the works cited page of your essay. Summarize each source in two or three grammatically-correct sentences. These short summaries are the "annotations."

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