
Write a three page essay on deconstructive analysis wlich

Directions: Write a 3-page (900-word minimum, not including the Works Cited page or the appendix: please include the word count at the end of your paper) essay that includes a one-page Pedagogical Appendix (see below). The topic is a deconstructive analysis, wlich identifies the differential relations between terms in a text and the contradictory meanings of each term, unraveling these to expose the artificiality and instability of societal norms, discourses and identities.

Your essay should focus on one word or binary set of words and closely analyze its function in specific passages of The Maids. The deconstruction of your chosen word or binary should be used to address how The Maids, in accordance with queer theory, challenges, destabilizes or otherwise complicates dominant conceptions of social identity (class, race, gender, sexuality•. Engagement with these issues should help you to build an argumentative thesis.

Pedagogical Appendix (Eta Credit): Your paper could include a one-page appendix (300-word minimum) that outlines an assignment of your own design about how The Maids represents class, gender andfor sexuality. Your assignment design can be for a paper. a presentation or some other type of project. It should engage with at least one pedagogical approach that we have adressed in the course (queer pedagogy, pedagogy of anxiety, etc.) and include the following elements:

a) A written assignment prompt for students, with instructions on how to complete the assignment. a list of expectations and criteria for evaluation.

b) An explanation of the reasoning behind your assignment design: what pedagogical principles guided your design?

Format Guide: Your project should have a creative title that represents your subject matter. NO cover pages or folders, please. Simply put your name and date in the corner, followed by the title of the essay, and use a staple to hold it all together.

Reference Guide: Any ideas that emerge during class discussion are the shared intellectual property of class participants and therefore do not need to be cited. but all references to assigned readings should be cited in parentheses (Author's Last Name. page number) and in your works cited page.

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Reference No:- TGS01012350

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