
Write a thematic analysis

Read the personal essay, "Two Ways to Belong in America," by Bharati Mukherjee from your textbook.

Compare and make connections to the previous reading and artwork in this progression. Choose a setting where people go and where you can sit and observe uninterrupted for at least an hour (for example, Starbucks, a library, a park, the mall, a restaurant, a bowling alley, and so on); the setting that you choose should be somehow thematically, perhaps symbolically, linked to the theme you have been working with.

Be sure to bring a notepad and write down your observations. Try to be objective as you look for manifestations of the thematic idea with which you are working. Write a thematic analysis informed by your observation and the personal essays that you have read.

Your ethnography should be between two and three double-spaced pages in MLA format. Follow MLA documentation for any materials cited from the readings, including a Works Cited list.

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English: Write a thematic analysis
Reference No:- TGS0547571

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