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Problem .
A.) Write a program that asks the user to enter 10 integer numbers. These 10 input numbers could be duplicated. The program will count and display the unique non-zero numbers. You are required to use the containers and iterators defined in the standard template libraries.
B.) Write a template function that returns the largest value of three parameters. The function should operate with any numeric data types (e.g., float, int, double, and char).
using namespace std;
Your code goes here
int main()
int m1 = 3003;
int m2 = 2002;
int m3 = 1001;
cout << "The largest integer value is " << Largest(m1, m2, m3);
cout << endl;
char grade_1 = 'A';
char grade_2 = 'D';
char grade_3 = 'B';
cout << "The lowest grade is " << Largest(grade_1, grade_2, grade_3);
cout << endl;
double s1 = 88.8;
double s2 = 90.1;
double s3 = 92.5;
cout << "The higest score is " << Largest(s1, s2, s3);
cout << endl;
return 0;
The display should be:
The largest integer value is 3003
The lowest grade is D
The higest score is 92.5
C.) Write a recursive function that takes one parameter n (n>0) of type int and returns
the nth Fibonacci number. Example of Fibonacci numbers: F(1) is 1, F(2), is 2, F(3) is 3, F(4) is
5, and in general
using namespace std;
int Fibonacci(int);
int main()
int input;
cout << "Please enter a positive integer number:";
cin >> input;
cout << "Fibonacci(" << input << ")=" << Fibonacci(input) << endl;
return 0;
int Fibonacci(int n)
//Your code goes here
//This must be a recursive function