Create and perform the following T-SQL statements:
- Write a T-SQL INSERT statement that will insert a new department called Research. Use the Week Three tab in the Sample Data Excel® spreadsheet for the data. Do not attempt to set the ID value, as it is automatically added. Once you have added this record by running the T-SQL statement, perform a SELECT statement on all records in the Departments table and note the ID of the new row you inserted.
- Write a T-SQL INSERT statement that will insert new employees for the Research department according to the data in the Week Three tab in the Sample Data Excel® spreadsheet. Do not attempt to set the ID value, as it is automatically added. Use the ID you noted in the previous T-SQL insert as the DepartmentID in the new employee records (these employees all are in the Research department. Once you have added these records by running the T-SQL statements, perform a select on all records in the Employees table.
- Update all employees in the Employees table and give each employee a 2.67% raise by creating a single T-SQL UPDATE statement to modify the data. Verify the data change by performing a SELECT statement that will show all rows and columns of the Employees table.
- Add another department to the Departments table using a T-SQL INSERT statement. Call this department 'Maintenance'. Show the results of this insert by selecting all rows and all columns from the Departments table.
- Remove the record you just added by creating and running a T-SQL DELETE statement that will delete the Maintenance department by using the ID of the Maintenance department.