An exploratory study into the Financial Challenges faced by SMMEs at the uMgungundlovu Region
The literature review requires you to have done an in-depth literature search using online databases and the library, on the area you have chosen to research. You may also consult journals, newspapers and the internet for information. The purpose of the literature review is, firstly, to attempt to understand the breadth and depth of existing literature on your chosen area of research. Secondly, it is to identify gaps in this literature - gaps that you will attempt to address in your report.
A. Write a synthesis report of the literature you have reviewed.
B. Demonstrate an awareness of the body of literature on the topic, and identify gaps which your study will address.
C. Include a short discussion on the theories that underpin the current research.
D. Current literature must be cited (not older than 5 years; except in the case of original authors or textbooks, or if it is thoroughly justified). Information is constantly changing and it is important that you keep abreast with current trends.
E. It must become evident from this section that extensive reading was done.
F. The literature that is consulted must be relevant to your research problem.
G. It is imperative that in-text referencing is done correctly according to the Harvard Referencing style.
H. All information which is not common knowledge or the writer's own idea must be referenced. In other words, the relevant author must be acknowledged so as to avoid committing plagiarism which is a serious academic offense. It must be proved that the report has not merely duplicated past or current research.