Of the profitability ratios listed in Chapter 8 of the text:
DuPont ratio
Operating Income Margin
Operating Asset Turnover
Return on Operating Assets
Return On Investment
Return on Total equity
Return on Common equity
Gross Profit Margin
Doesnt have to be all of them just enough to illustrate the profit picture of the company
Choose the ratios that best illustrate the profit picture of your company and its operations.
For each ratio, note the reason for its inclusion into your analysis. (At minimum include the DuPont ROA.)
Show the calculations AND the ratio. (Submission in Excel is recommended.)
Write a summary paragraph that outlines the findings evident from the ratios and notes any particular adjustments made in the calculations of the ratios that is material to the analysis.
You may use SEC, 10-K filings, annual reports, corporate web sites, Thomson financial web sites or any other publicly available sources appropriate to the purpose of the materials.
This should be done on International Game Technology (IGT)