
Write a summary of the article highlighting key concepts

Read each article as instructed. Then write a summary of the article, highlighting key concepts discussed by the authors and major findings. Explain why these findings are important (draw on the discussion and conclusion section for these). Do this for each article and corresponding summary.

Next, write your synthesis section. In this section, your goal is to create a general ‘take-away' message for the reader as to what the three research studies found. Look for commonalities among the articles, or for points of difference and contention. Try to say something substantive about the points of the three summaries.

If you want to put anything personal in the paper, it should only go in the synthesis section. In general I'd say to avoid putting personal things in the paper as much as you can, but I know sometimes it just feels right

Research Project Part 2

Summary 1: [Article Title Goes Here]

In this section, I summarize the major argument and findings of the author(s) from the first article that I reviewed. Required word count for this section is 400 words.

Summary 2: [Article Title Goes Here]

In this section, I summarize the major argument and findings of the author(s) from the second article that I reviewed. Required word count for this section is 400 words.

Summary 3: [Article Title Goes Here]

In this section, I summarize the major argument and findings of the author(s) from the third article that I reviewed. Required word count for this section is 400 words.


In this section, I weave together the three summaries around a general theme or point to give the reader a clear take-away message of these research articles. Required word count for this section is 300 words.

Works Cited

Works cited are listed here according to APa formatting guidelines. References are in alphabetical order.

Reading : Aligning Mars and Venus: The Social Construction and Instability of Gender Differences in Romantic Relationships
By Paul B. Perrin & Martin Heesacker & Tom J,Tiegs & Lawton K. Swan & Alvin W. Lawrence Jr, & Mary B. Smith & Robin J, Carrillo & Romy L, Cawood & Cristina M, Mejia-Millan.

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Dissertation: Write a summary of the article highlighting key concepts
Reference No:- TGS02329157

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