
Write a summary essay on your selection in your essay

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Work of literature of your choice

Minimum of 1 peer-reviewed library resource


Why read? Some say to be entertained; others, for knowledge. In today's fast-paced world, many use the excuse they have "no time;" yet one look at their Facebook page would suggest otherwise. The purpose of literature is discovery. It allows those who have no means to travel the world.

The blind, to see; the deaf, to hear; and those with no hope, to know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Through literature, we make connections. We empathize. We know, no matter what, there is someone out there who understands what we are going through. Literature is all encompassing, it can "read" our deepest thoughts and share our fears and dreams. Literature connects us all.

Activity Instructions

Select one work of literature. This may be a poem, short story, or book; however, it must be only one piece of literature. The text should relate to your life somehow: work, social responsibility, and/or individual responsibility.

Write a summary essay on your selection. In your essay, discuss common themes you see in the text and your life. What experiences do you share? What meaning do you see in both and can that be applied to today's society? Use specific, illustrated points from the text to support your discussion.

You must cite any outside sources you use (including the piece of literature you use; i.e., any sources you use from the Internet), within your essay.

The essay must include the following:

Title page

Introductory paragraph that includes a thesis statement


Conclusion with a re-statement of the thesis

Reference page

You may not use the same book you are using for your novel paper. Failure to follow this rule will result in an automatic "F" on your paper.

Do NOT use Sparksnotes, eNotes, Wikipedia, or similar websites, as these are not academic in nature. If you do so, you will earn an automatic F. Your essay may be submitted to Turnitin, so please use the University library or .org and .edu resources.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

4-6 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or references page

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

Title page with topic and name of student

References page (minimum of 1 resource - in addition to the text)

Grading and Assessment

This activity will be graded using the Writing Intensive Courses Grading Rubric (in Course Documents).

Course Learning Outcome(s): 1, 2, 4

1. Analyze and explain the purpose of literature, including reflecting on personal connections.

2. Move from literal to figurative interpretation of texts and consider multiple interpretations.

4. Incorporate literary criticism in analysis of literature using APA format with appropriate citations.

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Dissertation: Write a summary essay on your selection in your essay
Reference No:- TGS02537245

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