Write a summary and response paper about the article how i

Read the article "How I bluffed my way through college".

Part 1-

Minimum 150 words (successful analyses are often longer)

· Following Step 2 in CHAPTER 3, analyze and specifically describe your Audience, Time, Place, and Purpose of your draft.

· NOTE: Your audience consists of other members of this class and your instructor

· Place the situation analysis at the beginning of your first draft, before the first page of your actual composition

Part 2-

· Summary and Response of ONE of the core readings selected by your instructor

· Clearly developed main point (thesis) stating overall, focused response to the selected core reading

· Accurate summarizing and meaningful response, supported with evidence

· APA or MLA manuscript style, as specified by your instructor.

· Use of at least 5 quotes (words, phrases, or key sentences) and/or paraphrases (key details or ideas rephrased in your own words)

· Observation of the conventions of Standard English

· 600 words minimum for first draft (the minimum 150 words for the situation analysis is not included in this count).

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English: Write a summary and response paper about the article how i
Reference No:- TGS01080847

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