
Write a subroutine that takes three arguments x y and z it

1. Arithmetic Expression

Write a subroutine that takes three arguments, X, Y, and Z. It then computes X.Y.Z and returns it.

Use the subroutine to evaluate the following expression for various values of u and v:

7u2 - 21uv + 6v2

The main method, in a loop, prompts the user for values of u and v and prints out the result. End the loop when the user enters zero for both u and v.

2. Temperature Conversion

Write a subroutine that takes one temperature in Celsius and convert it to Fahrenheit using the approximate formula f = c.2 + 32.

The main routine, in a loop, prompts the user for a value of a temperature and prints out the result. End the loop when the user enters an integer out of the range of [-50, 50].

3. Represent the decimal non-integer 6.71 as a paper-and-pencil binary number using 21 bits to right of the binary point. And then represent it using the 32 bit IEEE 754 floating point format. Show your work.

4. Write a program that computes (A + B)/2.0 for values A and B defined in the data section. The program should then print out the computed value and exit.

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Assembly Language: Write a subroutine that takes three arguments x y and z it
Reference No:- TGS01150993

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