
Write a strongly persuasive essay about what most readers

A plan for research paper- internet addiction

annotated bibliography (it is a plan for research paper)

MLA works cited for 5 articles/sources you plan to use in your research paperabout internet addiction, (just like what is the cause of internet addiction/ how to society help to reduce internet addiction, how can internet addiction affecting our health. Etc.)
In between the entries, for each source, include:

1)summary/ quote the source

2) evaluate the source (not the topic)
-degree of bias: objectively(facts) /subjectively (opinion)
persuasive/ informative
-Intended audience: Supportive, hostile, Skeptical, or Neutral

-credibility: -Do they have it?
-how is it established?( Multiple Perspectives/personal experience/Stories/
Logic points/Charismatic Tone, or whether to
Disclaim Authority(just ask question/ learn) altogether.
-motivation for writing
-Type of Analysis/ evidence used: Logical/Emotional/Experience-Based
-Is the source primary(directly involved) or secondary(just a journalist writing about it)

3)plan for how you will use it in research paper

Below are some introduction of what evaluate the source should be included. Please follow below ways to write the evaluate the source.

Intended Audience
Addressing a specific group of people can create a unique perspective on a topic. In general terms, you can choose the Supportive, Skeptical, or Neutral audiences discussed earlier. You could also discuss a typically formal, academic subject in a casual way to stand out among essays written on your topic. Also think about specific groups of people who would care about or need to know about your topic. You could address your essay to people in a specific situation, which would result in a more detailed essay than one limited to general terms.

Degree of Bias
Most of the overdone essay topics are persuasive essays about controversial topics. You can provide a breath of fresh air by giving an objective, factually based summary of a specific aspect of the debate. Or you can write a strongly persuasive essay about what most readers would consider a boring or non-controversial topic.

How biased is the source?
As described by the Degrees of Bias worksheet, authors can write anywhere on the spectrum of subjectivity. They can be totally objective and fact-based, with no opinion or judgment on the topic, or they can be persuasive and opinionated, taking a clear stance on an issue in opposition to others. Both can be useful, but be careful not to treat a subjective, opinionated analysis as though it were an undisputed, objective truth. You also have to consider any conflicts of interest an author might have about the topic.

Type of Analysis
One way to establish a clear theme to your essay is by predominantly using one of the three types of analysis: Logical, Emotional, or Experience-Based. While a generically persuasive essay written for no specific audience usually balances all three types, a more specifically oriented essay could mostly rely on just one of the three to achieve its goal. If you know your audience is a specific group of people, you can base your analysis on the experiences of writers who have been in their specific situation.

Method of Establishing Credibility
If you've been making choices among the options so far, it should be clear which of the methods of establishing credibility you would rely on: Quoting (quote experts), Summarizing Multiple Perspectives, personal experience, Stories, Logic points, Charismatic Tone, or whether to Disclaim Authority(just ask question/ learn) altogether.

Is the Source Primary or Secondary?
A primary source writes about experiences the author is directly involved in. This can include interviews, scientific research, autobiographies, and anything else where an author describes their personal experiences. A secondary source is written by someone who has not experience the topic directly themselves, and has formed an opinion based on their reading of other sources. For instance, many newspaper articles summarize health studies to make it sound like they have shocking claims in them. The newspaper article would be a secondary source, while the health study would be the primary source. Typically, the primary source will be more reliable, but there are exceptions when authors will be less than truthful about their own experiences.

What was the Goal of the Source?
Think about why the author wrote their article. What was their goal? How well did they achieve that goal? Try to only use sources that were successful in accomplishing their goal, and if you're judging whether a source was good or bad, judge it by how successful the author was in achieving their goal.

What reputation does the source have with your audience?
Ideally you should find sources written by authors who are experts in the field and are respected by the audience of your essay. If the author is already known to the audience, or belongs to a group the audience recognizes (such as a group identity or profession), consider how the reader might already feel about the person you're quoting.

Cutting Out Secondary Sources
When you find a secondary source in which the author's goal is to summarize something (like a new study or a speech by a political candidate), you should try to track down the primary source yourself, and preferably just use that instead. At the very least, you should read the primary source to make sure the secondary source is being accurate in its summary.

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