Write a sql query which creates a view containing the


Write SQL VIEW Queries for the following relations.

PART (partID, name, brand, type, retailPrice)

SUPPLIER (suppID, name, address, countryID, phone)

PART_SUPPLIER (partID, suppID, qty, cost)

COUNTRY (countryID, name, regionID)

REGION (regionID, name)

1) Write a SQL query which creates a view containing the following attributes of the SUPPLIER relation.

suppID, name, address.

2) Write a SQL query which creates a view containing the following attributes from the PART and the SUPPLIER relations.

PART (partID, pName, retailPrice)

SUPPLIER (suppID, sName, phone)

3) Add a supplier through the view with the following information; id=10, name=Abdullah, phone=1234567.

4) Change supplier's phone number by 9876543 whose id=10.

5) Delete the view created in 1st query.


Every query must be executed through views.

Assignment Topic:

The topic of the assignment is SQL VIEW Statements.

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  • This assignment has been designed so that you understand the concept of SQL VIEW Statements.

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Business Management: Write a sql query which creates a view containing the
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