
Write a spark program that loads the data analyzes data

Write a Spark program that loads the data, analyzes data quality, provides a summary report, and reports your findings, abc is an eCommerce company, and as such our analysts work using the language of eCommerce. Here are some terms that are used in this task description:

- Shopper - an individual using an eCommerce website

- Session - the experience of a shopper on an eCommerce website within a single continuous period of time (if a shopper visits a site multiple times, sessions are split anywhere that there was at least a 30 minute break)

Conversion - a session which resulted in a purchase (one conversion can have multiple transactions)

- Marketing Strategy - Any modification to an eCommerce website that is targeted to a shopper and is executed with the intent that it will increase the likelihood of a purchase Fields

ssid - session identifier: used to link logs between files, it is a key composed of three values in the following format: user_id:site_id:session_start_time (session start time is taken from client side).

st - server timestamp: timestamp of when a web request was recorded on the server side

gr - determines assignment of a session to a control or experiment group

ad - indicates which marketing strategy a shopper was exposed to Data Assumptions

- A shopper can have more than one session (each session separated by at least a 30 min break)

- Each session should have exactly one session log

- There is one marketing strategy per session

- Each session has a corresponding features log

Report format

After loading the data, we expect you to summarize and group it and prepare:

1 ) a populated table (tsv format) with the following header:

Session start date at hourly granularity, site_id, gr, Ad, browser, number of sessions, number of conversions, number of transactions, sum of revenue


Each row will contain aggregated data (key being first five columns)

Session start date at hourly granularity: 1464742123 -> 2016-06-01 00:00 (UTC)

2) a list of means and standard deviations for each feature per every (site_id, ad) pair Expected outcome

- Source code for Spark program to generate reports
- Report regarding data quality
- Reports with data summary

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Programming Languages: Write a spark program that loads the data analyzes data
Reference No:- TGS02591693

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