Write a single, simple UPDATE statement for the order_details table that:
Since the album is on sale, why don't we order 2 more. For the row you added in question 4, change the order_qty to 7.
Write a single, simple DELETE statement for the employees table that:
Removes the row you added in question 1.
Write a single, simple DELETE statement for the invoices table that:
Removes the row you added in question 2.
Write a single, simple DELETE statement for the items table that:
Removes the row you added in question 3.
Hint: For question 12, you will need a WHERE clause with two conditions. order_id 829 has several items on it and we only want to remove the row for item_id 11.
Write a single, simple DELETE statement for the order_details table that:
Removes the row you added in question 4.