
Write a simple hypothesis - state your hypothesis in such a

Assignment: Research Methods

Directions: First, write a simple hypothesis. State your hypothesis in such a way that it could be tested. Here are some examples:
- Musical ability is an inherited trait.
- People who play video games for more than 2 hours every day are introverted.
- People who are early risers are more successful.
- People who set long term goals are no more successful as people who do not set long term goals.
- Adults who have positive relationships with their same sex parents are less likely to become alcoholics.

Second, describe how you might use naturalistic observation, case studies, survey research, and correlational research to help prove/disprove your hypothesis. Note: When you describe your correlational research, include the two variables you will be examining and the type of relationship you project to exist between the two variables (i.e., positive or negative correlation).

For example, let's use the hypothesis, People who play video games for more than 2 hours every day are introverted. Here are examples of how these different types of research could be used to research or test this hypothesis:

Naturalistic observation: go to a video arcade and observe people who play video games for more than two hours and then observe their interactions with others

Case studies: study the life styles of video game designers (who would spend considerably more than 2 hours/day playing video games)

Survey research: people who are known to spend 2+ hours playing video games at least 5 days a week are asked a series of questions regarding their social interactions, hobbies, and general life style.

Correlational research: identified video game players are asked to track the number of hours spent playing video games on a daily basis for two weeks. These subjects are also asked to complete a questionnaire regarding their social habits, the number/types of people they socialize with, how often they socialize, the types of hobbies they engage in (besides playing video games), etc. The subjects' quality and quantity of social interaction is compared to the average number of hours spent playing video games. This research will show a positive correlation between the number of hours spent playing video games and the types of introverted behavior identified in the questionnaire.

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Dissertation: Write a simple hypothesis - state your hypothesis in such a
Reference No:- TGS02572903

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