
Write a signed business letter to resign

Assignment Task: Help me write a negative letter in response to this scenario. Keep in mind that much of the language in this scenario is not appropriate for effective business communication, and that part of your job is to re-write it so that it reads more professionally and empathetically:

You are the owner of The Chelsea Hotel, a 50-unit hotel located in Sioux City, Iowa. As part of your business plan, your hotel is a member of various local economic development organizations such as the Sioux City Chamber of Commerce and the Sioux City Tourism Bureau. However, you now wish to leave the Tourism Bureau.

In your opinion, the Tourism Bureau has gone against your business's interests in these ways:

  • Your hotel pays $6,000 per year in dues to the Bureau, but in your estimation, you are not receiving your money's worth. Over the past five years, The Chelsea Hotel has never been featured on the cover of The Chamber of Commerce Bulletin while other hotels have. In the last issue, the Bulletin ran a story that rained praise down on one of your chief competitors.
  • The Bureau did not effectively fight a 3% hotel tax that was levied by the Sioux City Council in 2021, a move that made hotels across the river in South Sioux City, Nebraska more competitive by comparison. In an era where many hotel reservations are made online, this has had an impact on your business since consumers are more able to easily compare prices. During the City Council's deliberations about the tax, no representatives of the Tourism Bureau spoke publicly about the increase.

You believe you will be able to more effectively use the $6,000 if you handle promotions and marketing yourself. However, such a move will likely alienate you from other members of the business community, so you must take care to write the letter carefully since it will likely be passed on to all of the members of the Bureau. Furthermore, you have been friends with the President of the Tourism Bureau since you were both in high school and this letter will probably be seen as personal if it is not done well.

Lastly, you must write a signed business letter to resign. Tourism Bureau bylaws require that all members submit a signed letter to request to join the organization (which you did nine years ago), or to leave the organization.

Your task: write a business letter to Nico Paffgen, President of the Sioux City Tourism Bureau, 1000 Commercial Ave., Sioux City IA, 68778, informing the organization that you are leaving the organization and will no longer contribute $6,000 in dues.

Your assignment must:

  • Be no more than one page long, and single-spaced.

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Other Management: Write a signed business letter to resign
Reference No:- TGS03238517

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