
Write a short summary of the media

Assignment Task: Choose specific piece of media that resonates with you, such as: a television show, film, an interactive video / film / TV show or a video game that communicates a pressing issue facing humanity / our planet today.

Part 1: Write a short summary of the media, by explaining what happens in Act 1, 2 and 3 (the beginning, the middle and the end.) When writing the summary, you can use the following questions as guidance:

  • Story world (establish the world of the story - where and when does it happen)
  • Who is the protagonist and what do they WANT consciously and NEED subconsciously?
  • What is the Protagonist's flaw? What is their Moral Problem? (What is their issue? What are they struggling with personally? Have they been abused? What is their personal angst in the story? What are they grappling with personally? Who are they?)
  • What is their Goal or Challenge? Who is their Opponent? (What is their specific goal? Or what the challenge is that they're facing? What / who are they up against? Who is their opponent?)
  • What kind of choice or decision is the protagonist faced with? What kind of action are they taking to reach their goal?
  • What is the big twist toward the middle of the story and how does it change the protagonist?
  • What happens during the crisis and what happens at the climax of the story?
  • What is the story essentially about?
  • How does the story end and how does it all relate to what the film is about?

Part 2:  How this media was created, and what makes this media significant or important to our consideration of film and digital media in the Internet age.

Consult at least 3 supporting sources supporting / proving / adding to your claim as to why this media is relevant in communicating a pressing issue facing humanity / our planet today:

-1 scholarly peer-reviewed source

-1 relevant book

-1 newsworthy article or source

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Other Subject: Write a short summary of the media
Reference No:- TGS03252363

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