Write a short script outlining approach that you will use



1. To have a solid understanding of each step of the selling process
2. To demonstrate this understanding in role play assignments
3. To develop an appreciation of the importance of strategically thinking through what it is you are going to do before you do it
4. To appreciate the level of preparation required to conduct a professional sales presentation

Part 1- Product Selection

This important first assignment is critical to the success of your sales presentation. Your first task is to select a product to sell. The product you select should be one that you are somewhat familiar with, that you are interested in, and that is appropriate for sale to an organization. This course focuses on selling to organizational buyers as opposed to final consumers. It is not a course about retail sales. Therefore the product you select should be one for which an organization (for profit, not-for-profit, government, institution, or farm) would have a need.

Required: A brief 1-3 paragraph memo to your instructor outlining the following:

• The product you want to sell
• Who you are selling the product for
• To whom you want to sell this product

Part 2 - Background Information

Before you can prepare a sales presentation, detailed information must be gathered about the industry your firm participates in, the company you are selling for, the company and person you are selling to, the product or service you are selling, and the competitive product or service you are selling against. Please note that this assignment does not require that you address every question posed in the Appendix. It is designed to illustrate the scope of knowledge required by professional salespeople. Much of the information will be unavailable to those outside the industry. You should not spend time trying to find information that is not easily accessed through public sources such as annual reports, journals, magazines, and newspapers. Please do not attempt to contact companies directly for information as it is highly unlikely that this information will be made available to you.


• The objective of this assignment is to identify the information that is important to a sales person, and to write a clear and concise memo.

• A 2-3 page memo providing insight into the industry you are working in, the company you are working for, the prospect you wish to sell to (including five business customer needs of the business you will be calling on), the product you are selling, and your competition.

Part 3 - Sales Approach Script & Role Play

The purpose of this part of the assignment is to prepare you for your final role play. In this assignment, you will prepare your approach in written form and then practice your approach in a role play situation. It is useful to have in your mind how things should go.


• Prepare your script for the approach stage of your role play as outlined in this assignment. Submit a printed copy of your script to your instructor before you start your role play. Be sure to include your name, the product you are selling and the company you will be selling for at the top of the first page.

Part A - Script: Sales Approach & Discovery Process (SPIN)

Write a short script outlining the approach that you will use when you make your sales call. Bring product samples if it will help your presentation.

Step 1 - Introduction. You walk into the prospect's office and greet the prospect by stating his/her name, your name, position and the company you represent. Shake the prospect's hand and offer your business card.

Step 2 - Rapport & Transition. Establish rapport and then transition to business. (What questions will you ask?)

Step 3 - Benefit Statement. State your purpose and give an initial benefit statement. In this step you are providing your prospect with an idea of where you're going with this meeting and a reason for them to continue listening to you. (Write out the initial benefit statement you will use).

Step 4 - SPIN. Develop a SPIN dialogue and include the buyer's likely responses to your questions. Write out 3 situation questions, 3 problem questions, 3 implication questions and a final need-pay-off question.

Part B - Role Play: Sales Approach & Discovery Process (SPIN)

This role play will be based on the script you prepared. You will be assigned a partner in the class who will act as your buyer. You should rehearse your presentation with your partner so that you can easily move through the stages of the approach and discovery process. You will play the role of a professional salesperson and follow the process as you've outlined it in your sales script.

Part 4 - Sales Call Script & Role Play (Value 15%)

The purpose of this assignment is to prepare you for your final role-play. Bring product samples if it will help your presentation.


• Prepare for each stage of your role play as outlined in this assignment. Please submit a printed copy of your script to your instructor before the role play. Please be sure to include your name, the product you are selling and the company you will be selling for on top of the first page.

Part A - Script: Sales Call

Write a short script outlining the approach that you will use when you make your sales call. This may build on Part 3 of the assignment.

Step 1 - Introduction.

Step 2 - Rapport & Transition.

Step 3 - SPIN. Include at least one of each type but more is allowed depending on the time.

Step 4 - Features & Benefits (FAB) Include 2 features and benefit statements.. These must be linked to the problems/needs identified above.

Step 5 - Sales Resistance (Objections) Include two objections (that represent true buyer resistance) that your prospect may have to your sales presentation and your responses to these objections. Identify the objection handling techniques you are using. Your professor will also raise an objection at some point during your presentation. Answer it to the best of your ability and then continue with your presentation.

Step 6 - Sales Closing. Include two trial closes and 1 final close. Identify the closing techniques you are illustrating.

Part B - Role Play: Sales Call


This sales presentation will be based on your script and you will be assigned a partner in the class who will act as your buyer. You should rehearse your presentation so that you can easily move through the stages of the sales process. You are required to submit your sales script prior to the role play. Due to time constraints, you may need to adapt your script for the role play. Specific instructions will be provided in class.

While you can have supporting materials, the sales person should not read their written sales script during the presentation!!

You are expected to be in appropriate dress for your final presentation.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Marketing Management: Write a short script outlining approach that you will use
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