
write a short note on file organization and

Write a short note on file organization and access.

There are three methods to access files

  • 1Record Access
  • 2Sequential Access
  • 3Random Access

The record access method is dependent on the physical medium on which the file is stored. Magnetic tape is sequential by it's extremely nature to read a record you must start at the beginning of the tape and sequentially read every record until you get to the one you want. With disks, obviously random access is possible. It is the same as the difference between audio compact disc and audio cassette. With audio tape you have to begin at the beginning and run the tape forward until you get to the song you want to hear. With compact disc you are able to play the songs in random order or go directly to the track you want to hear.

Though, not only ought to the medium permit for random access to records, however the file itself must support going directly to the record you want to retrieve. This feature of the file is called as file organization.


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Operating System: write a short note on file organization and
Reference No:- TGS0307320

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