
Write a short email announcing an email policy after

The way to learn to write good emails is to learn the principles and then practice. The same goes for messages that encourage people to regard your organization with goodwill and simple routine messages. This case asks you to do all of these, in an intercultural context. So, read the following:

On Writing Emails

Professional E-Mail Needs Attention

Christensen, G.J. (2003). Professional E-mail Needs Attention. Accessed from: https://www.csun.edu/~vcecn006/email.html

Does E-Mail Escalate Conflict?

Some of these articles help to explain some of the bad outcomes that email can lead to. The articles also help you to see how to avoid these outcomes.

Peele, T. (2012, Jan 29). It's time to get tough on officials' texts, emails. Contra Costa Times. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1034248216?accountid=28844

Petraeus shocked to hear of emails, associates say. (2012, Nov 13). Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1151214676?accountid=28844

Don't hide behind your emails. (2012, Oct 25). The Daily Post. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1115208107?accountid=28844

https://www.101emailetiquettetips.com/index.htmlWriting Effective E-Mail: Top 10 Tips

Jerz, D.G. (2000). E-Mail: Ten Tips for Writing It Effectively. Accessed February 17, 2011, at: jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/e-text/e-mail.htm

On Writing Goodwill Messages

The Write Stuff for Quality

Campanizzi, Jane (2005). The Write Stuff for Quality. Accessed February 17, 2011, at: https://qpc.co.la.ca.us/cms1_035856.pdf.

On Intercultural Communication

Peele, T. (2012, Jan 29). It's time to get tough on officials' texts, emails. Contra Costa Times. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1034248216?accountid=28844

Petraeus shocked to hear of emails, associates say. (2012, Nov 13). Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1151214676?accountid=28844

Don't hide behind your emails. (2012, Oct 25). The Daily Post. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1115208107?accountid=28844

Intercultural Communication: A Guide to Men of Action

This article is very old, very short and very good.

Hall, E. T. & Whyte, W. F. (1960). Intercultural Communication: A Guide to Men of Action. The International Executive. New York, 2(4) 14-15.

The Anthropology of Manners

Ditto for this one.

Hall, E. T., (1959). The Anthropology Of Manners. The International Executive. New York, 1(3), 9-11. (ProQuest)

And Then...

Please read the two articles below in the ProQuest data base. Then imagine you are VP Employee Communications at a large service firm, such as a bank, advertising or consulting firm.

R, S. G. (2008). Tame the email beast! A baker's dozen. Performance Improvement, 47(4), 5-6. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/237235613?accountid=28844

(VIDEO + ARTICLE) Manktelow, J. & Carlson, A.Writing Effective Emails: Making Sure Your Messages Get Read and Acted Upon https://www.mindtools.com/CommSkll/EmailCommunication.htm

Assignment Instructions:

Read the article 'Tame the email beast!' Create an email, in a letter format, (about 450 words) to all of your employees to announce an email policy that you have just created. You are not persuading: you are announcing. Specify the response that you want from the email (for example: ask the recipients to email a receipt response). Your email must start with an introduction and end with a conclusion. You must be tactful and professional. Remember: some of those folks have been around a long time and some are beginning their very first jobs.

Then write a brief summary (about 300 words) explaining why you chose to emphasize these principles in your email and discuss at least three rules that you used from the article 'Tame the email beast!' and why you wrote your message as you did. In this summary, please discuss your objectives and how you used the other background readings.

This section of the assignment should include at least 2 references (using the articles provided in the case study), properly cited, to articles from the background materials.

Your assignment will be graded on logical flow, ease of reading, tone of message, references to articles, understanding of concepts, and (for that extra special touch) tasteful creativity.

Be careful: remember that emails can be leaked! If your email appeared on Page 1 of the Wall Street Journal, would you be proud or embarrassed?

Submit your assignments by the module's due date.

Assignment Expectations:

Write a short email (450 words) announcing an email policy after reading the required article.

Write a summary (about 300 words) explaining why you used the principles and the rules from the articles that you used in writing your email.

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