
Write a short advertisement for your herb using at least

There are two aspects to this assignment: 1) identifying faulty arguments in the literature, and 2) Creating faulty arguments to sell your product"

First: You will be re-using your references from your research in Part 1. You will be searching for examples of the faulty arguments and poor reasoning types you studied in the Faulty Arguments PowerPoint.

Introduction: Make sure you write an introductory paragraph to explain what you are doing with citing faulty arguments including an explanation of what constitutes a faulty argument.

Find four different examples of faulty arguments from four different references you used in Part 1. Cite the original source in quotations and state exactly WHY you think the reasoning is poor. All the citations should be about the same plant you studied in Part 1. Label them 1-4 like the example below:

Example: Research by Exegesis: I found passages in the Bible verses urging people to use the holy herb 'senna'. "Cassia (senna) Exodus 30:23-24 "The bark ofthis tree from the laurel family is ground to produce a fine spice. The LORD gave Moses a recipefor creating an aromatic oil to be used in anointing the tabernacle and priests."

See further examples in this Module.


Part 2: Now write a short advertisement for your herb using at least two faulty arguments. Label them in parentheses in red text.

Example: Please try my peppermint tea. It will work wonders for your stomach ache. Everyone I know has tried it (bandwagon) and they are all satisfied. Besides, it is really true that phamacies are too expensive (non sequiter). Even my chemistry professor says it works! (appeal to authority)

Important Note: There has been a growing tendency among students to share work with friends who take the same class after them. Please do not give your work to others! I do keep student papers and it is likely I will recognize the work which can result in a F in the class for you and your friend. Besides the grade issue, you are also depriving your friends of the learning experience. Thank you for your honesty!

Format for Plant Project, Part 2: This section will include the following and each of these should have headings bolded and underlined

Title Page including your name, date, chosen herb, and word count
Short introduction about faulty argumentation
4 identified arguments, labeled, explained and referenced
Created advertisement

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Other Subject: Write a short advertisement for your herb using at least
Reference No:- TGS02224847

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