Write a short (1-2) page paper that discusses a particular hero who reflects the virtue of courage, using the language of virtue we have used in this class.
Your choice should be a person you find personally inspiring; it may or may not be a person discussed in this course. Your paper will be graded on the eloquence and vigor of your argument, not on the particular choice of your hero. You should offer a clear set of reasons for your choice.
If these reasons are different than those discussed in the class, say how they differ and defend your choice. For this assignment, there are only three possible grades: a check, a check minus, and a check plus. A check plus is awarded only for excellence in writing style and not on any other factor.
I would like all students to read their papers aloud to the class and be prepared to answer a few questions after their presentation. Some students may wish to write papers that they would be uncomfortable reading to the class. If this is your preference, see me for permission to turn in a paper without reading.
Papers should be 1.5 spaced with standard margins. Please be careful to carefully proofread your paper both for spelling and grammatical correctness.
Note that papers with multiple grammar or spelling errors or that contain no direct citations from the assigned texts cannot receive a grade higher than a C no matter how high the quality of other elements in them.