
Write a shell script that takes any command as a parameter


Write a shell script that takes any command as a parameter and displays help on that command (e.g. the result of execution of man ).

Write a script that takes three parameters. If number of parameters passed to the script is not equal to 3, it prints a warning message and displays a proper usage hint: "Usage: foo.sh param1 param2 param3". If 3 parameters are passed, the script should print some positive message.

Write a shell script that takes names of two files as parameters and copies content of one file into another without asking any questions. The copy should contain a note that it is a copy, name of the original file, current date and time after the content.

Write a shell script that takes a file name as a parameter and ask if a user wants to delete that file. If the answer is 'Y' and the file exists, it is deleted

Write a shell script that asks user to enter a number, prints that number and prints whether that number is odd or even.

Write a shell script that asks user's year of birth and prints "Minor" if the user is younger than 21, "Senior" if the user is older than 65, "Workforce" otherwise.

Write a shell script that takes file extension as a parameter and prints number of files with that extensions in the current directory.

Write a shell script that takes directory name and a file extension as parameters, creates a directory with the specified name and moves all files with the specified extension from the current directory to the new one.

Write a shell script that takes a number and a character ('C' or 'F') as parameters and converts that number from Celsius to Fahrenheit (if 'C' is passed) or vice versa (if 'F' is passed). If the number of parameters passed is not equal to 2, your script displays a usage note: "temp.sh ".

Write a shell script that takes no more than 5 numbers as parameters and prints the largest of them.

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Computer Engineering: Write a shell script that takes any command as a parameter
Reference No:- TGS02944851

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