
Write a set of technical instructions on how to perform a

Description of a process (set of instructions)

Write a set of technical instructions on how to perform a certain task. This can be any sort of task in your everyday life or related to your field of study, from changing the oil in a motor to putting a piece of IKEA furniture together to setting up a stereo system. The instructions should consist of a step-by-step process that should be written in a way this is helpful and clear. Your set of instructions should fit on one page single-spaced, so be sure to choose a task that is not too complicated. Also, be sure that you are not choosing a task so simple that the reader can rely on common sense. You are writing a "how-to" set of instructions, which means the reader should know how to do  whatever it is by the end.

As you are drafting your set of instructions, test them out on someone you know, preferably someone who has never performed the task (friend, spouse, relative, etc.). If the individual cannot perform the designated task using your directions alone, you will need to revise and make adjustments. The consideration of audience and purpose is essential in this assignment because you must provide the reader with everything he or she needs to adequately perform this task.

The instruction should include the proper MLA heading, a title (i.e., "How to ..."), a brief introduction of the task to be performed, clear step-by-step instructions, and any additional important indications (warning, note, important, etc). Design, visual arrangement, and clarity are important. Do not use photos/graphics or symbols. Be specific. Be creative and have fun with this.

Do not use food or drink (i.e., making a sandwich).

Do not copy another set of instructions. This should be your own original, creative work. If I discover that you have indeed plagiarized, you will receive a zero for the assignment. I do not tolerate unoriginal work.

Refer to the Chapter 20 for examples. Also refer to the two videos that were assigned as well as any instructional manuals or papers you found.

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Other Subject: Write a set of technical instructions on how to perform a
Reference No:- TGS01497002

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