
Write a select statement to display accountno using rollup


Question 1- Write a select statement to display the total amount invoiced for each AccountNo using the WITH ROLLUP operator to include a row showing the grand total.

Question 2- Display only the top 3 InvoiceID and InvoiceTotal from the Invoices table based on the InvoiceTotal. In other words, the 3 most expensive invoices only. Order the results in descending order by InvoiceTotal.

Question 3- Modify
SELECT VendorName, InvoiceID
FROM Vendors v left outer join Invoices i
ON v.VendorId=i.VendorId
ORDER BY VendorName
show only those vendors that do not have an associated invoice

Show the code, demonstrate it works properly and describe what it is doing.

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Computer Engineering: Write a select statement to display accountno using rollup
Reference No:- TGS0893801

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