
Write a select statement that returns one row for each

1.Write a SELECT statement that returns one row for each vendor that contains these columns from the Invoices table: The vendor_id column The sum of the invoice_total column The result set should be sorted by vendor_id.

2.Write a SELECT statement that returns one row for each vendor that contains these columns: The vendor_name column from the Vendors table The sum of the payment_total column in the Invoices table. The result set should be sorted in descending sequence by the payment total sum for each vendor.

3.Write a SELECT statement that returns one row for each vendor that contains three columns: The vendor_name column from the Vendors table The count of the invoices for each vendor in the Invoices table The sum of the invoice_total column for each vendor in the Invoices table Sort the result set so the vendor with the most invoices appears first.

4.Write a SELECT statement that returns one row for each general ledger acQcount number that contains three columns: The account_description column from the General_Ledger_Accounts table The count of the entries in the Invoice_Line_Items table that have the same account_number The sum of the line item amounts in the Invoice_Line_Items table that have the same account-number Filter the result set to include only those rows with a count greater than 1; group the result set by account description; and sort the result set in descending sequence by the sum of the line item amounts.

5.Modify the solution to exercise 4 to filter for invoices dated in the second quarter of 2008 (April 1, 2008 to June 30, 2008). Hint: Join to the Invoices table to code a search condition based on invoice_date.

6.Write a SELECT statement that answers this question: What is the total amount invoiced for each general ledger account number? Use the ROLLUP operator to include a row that gives the grand total.

Hint: Use the line_item_amt column of the Invoice_Line_Items table.

7.Write a SELECT statement that answers this question: Which vendors are being paid from more than one account? Return two columns: the vendor name and the total number of accounts that apply to that vendors invoices

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Other Subject: Write a select statement that returns one row for each
Reference No:- TGS0593820

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