
Write a script named lab6s2 that writes the current time

I dont use the chating, so YOU have to message me only.

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- get connected to my school server with my username.

Host name:


Leave the rest as it is.


Now make sure you save the files and output on my school account and put the input and output for each questions in Word file as well to hand it to my teacher.

1) Write a script named lab6s1 that creates 10 files... named file0, file1, file2, file3, file4, file5, file6, file7, file8, and file9 and writes the text "Hello, this is the first line of **filename**" to each file. **filename** is the file's name, so for example, the contents of file0 should be "Hello, this is the first line of file0" Print and attach as lab6s1.txt

2) Write a script named lab6s2 that writes the current time and date, lists logged-in users, and prints the system's uptime to a log file. The time should be printed with the format of "03:55 am" as opposed to military time. The date should be printed like this: "09/10/12" Numbers should be zero-padded to 2 digits (e.g. 03 instead of 3).

(It is advisable to look at the date command's many options to format your output.

Also, use the uptime command to print system uptime.)

This output should be appended to a logfile named "lab6s2.log". Create a cron job to execute this script every 2 minutes.

a) Print and attach as lab6s2.txt

b) Show the crontab file you have to create to execute this script every 2 minutes...

c) Show the crontab command you executed to create this cron job...

3) Flag your professor down, once you have two or more entries written to your logfile. If they are properly formatted and everything else looks good, the instructor will sign below. ___________

4) Investigate the "touch" command. What does this command do (in your own words)? _______________________________________________________

5) Write a script named lab6s3 that takes a directory as an argument. This script then touches every file in the given directory, and prints as output (to the console) the name, word-count, and file size (in bytes) of every file in the directory.

Print and Attach as lab6s3.txt

6) Write a script named lab6s4 that outputs a random number between 1 and 10.

Print and Attach as lab6s4.txt

7) Create a script named lab6s5 that plays a game with the user. When a user executes the script, they must keep guessing the secret number until they successfully enter it.

Here is an example interaction with the script. Make sure that your script behaves identically:

$ ./lab6s5

I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Enter your guess:3

The secret number is larger than your guess. Try again.

I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Enter your guess:6

The secret number is smaller than your guess. Try again.

I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Enter your guess:2

The secret number is larger than your guess. Try again.

I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Enter your guess:5

Yes! 5 is the correct answer!

Print and Attach as lab6s5.txt

8) Create a script named lab6s6 that accepts TCP connections. When a client connection occurs, send the time of day as a response to client. You may choose any port number as the listening port, and don't forget to close your connections.

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Programming Languages: Write a script named lab6s2 that writes the current time
Reference No:- TGS01067416

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