
Write a scope document

Assignment Task: You need to write the scope document. You have to write it in intermediate level the client needs to know how to use the agile methodology in outside IT sector

Output Step - Scoping Document and Contract with Client

Section 1: Background (to be completed before your first client meeting)

Background (500 words max)

Background to the client and the current issue faced by the organization, identification of client needs.

Section 2: Project details (to be completed after first meeting with client)

Proposed Project (500 words max)

Clear statement of the business problem, who is involved, symptoms and impact.

Overall Aim and SMART objectives of the project

Project Scope (and exclusions from Scope)(200 words max)

Resource and Data Requirements (200 words max)

Roles, Responsibilities and Channels of Communication (200 words max)

Project Plan:

Describe the high-level timeline/schedule to carry out the project. Identify project start date, key milestones and project end date. Schedule the activities from initiation to final delivery of the project

Attachment:- Scoping Document and Contract.rar

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Reference No:- TGS03046563

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