
Write a rhetorical analysis of your ghost story in which

Essay: Multimodal Project
Context: For your essay one, you had to write an objective profile of a fictitious monster, and your essay two required you to respond to the research you found regarding a person, alive or dead. For each essay, your research required you not only to look into the history of a particular culture/monster/person, but also to read their stories. In doing so, you were exposed to multiple genres or "types" of communicating: news articles, peer reviewed articles, blogs, novels, biographies, documentaries, oral traditions, etc., and each genre has their own set of rhetorical "moves."

Assignment: For your final project, you will do two things:
--Step 1: Rewrite your essay two using a short story, using the ghost story genre (4-5 pages)
--Step 2: Write a rhetorical analysis of your ghost story in which you explain what information you had to change, which details you felt needed embellished, and how/why you made the changes that you did (2-3 pages).

- Attend and participate in all workshops, bringing a new draft to each class. For each missed workshop or workshop lacking a new draft, the final grade will decrease by 10% (1.5 points).
- Make use of MLA page settings and citations when/if applicable.
- Write effectively for the genre.

Getting Started: Step 1
- Consider what is expected of the ghost story genre. Then, decide who your audience is (i.e. who do you hope to scare - small children, your parents, classmates, me, or someone else?)
? Knowing what frightens your audience and what genre features you must use, how can you turn your essay 2 person into a monster?
Getting Started: Step 2
- Record the changes you make and analyze your choices. To analyze is to consider how and why something functions. How and why did you choose to make the changes that you did? What do you hope the result to be?

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Term Paper: Write a rhetorical analysis of your ghost story in which
Reference No:- TGS02249917

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