
Write a review on literature on the impact of assessment

Introduction : The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act was introduced in 2001. Under the Act, states are required to measure school performance and fulfil the Adequate Yearly Progress ( AYP) criteria, failing which they have to follow specific corrective measures. In order to comply with AYP measurements the states have to carry out large scale testing and meet 100% target before the year 2014. These requirements have affected the accountability systems. NCLB holds teachers, schools and administrators accountable for the results of the tests. Yet the ability of standardized tests to reflect school performance accurately remains in doubt. 

Write a review on Literature on the Impact of Assessment and Measurement on Education: The No Child Left Behind Act and the use of Measurement in its Assessment, the Benefits or Harm.

Your response should be at least 3000 words in length.

All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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Essay Writing: Write a review on literature on the impact of assessment
Reference No:- TGS01489445

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