
Write a researched historical work designed to be performed

A researched historical work designed to be performed for an audience of at least 8 pages (not including sources page) on some aspect of African American history to be posted as an attachment in DISCUSSIONS.

The paper must be written in play form with stage directions in parentheses and characters speaking dialogue. See your textbook OH FREEDOM! THE STORY OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD for the proper format. Include information about cast of characters and setting at the beginning and designate the finish at the end.

Characters may narrate as well as speak and interact with each other. Keep in mind that the work is designed to be performed. Get to the heart of the story and dramatize it as best you can.

You must use at least 3 different sources listed at the end of the paper in MLA format.

Attantion : Paper must be at least 8 pages long. Dialogueis single spaced with spaces in between speakers and stage directions. Source page at the end is not included in the 8 pages submitted.

Source page with at least 3 sources in MLA format

-John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry and his trial -Plessy vs. Ferguson and the rise of Jim Crow in America -N.W.A. fights mainstream music to bring legitimacy to "Gangsa Rap" -The story of Martin Luther King
-Sojourner Truth Speaks out -The beating and lynching of Emmett Till -The story of Ella Baker -George Washington Carver, the genius of Tuskegee
-Harriet Tubman leads slaves out of bondage --Brown vs. The Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas and school desegregation -The Story of the Trailways/Greyhound Freedom Rides -Garrett Morgan, inventor and activist
-Denmark Vesey plots a slave insurrection, and/or his trial when it was foiled --Rosa Parks, Jo Ann Robinson and the Montgomery Bus boycott -The Story of the lunch counter sit-ins -The murder of Civil Rights worker Medgar Evers
-The great Nat Turner rebellion -the Brownsville Affair and the unfair discharge of Black soldiers  -The Port Chicago disaster  -The Selma church bombing
-Frederick Douglass  fights slavery and racism -champion boxer Jack Johnson and a hostile world -The story of the Tuskegee Airmen -Billie Holiday- Lady Day sings "strange fruit"
-Congress debates the 3/5 Compromise - OF Jackie Robinson and the integration of Major League Baseball -The story of the Buffalo Soldiers -The powerful life of Louis Armstrong 
-Averting Civil War with  the Missouri Compromise -- the unfair prosecution of the Scottsboro boys -The Story of the case of Loving vs Virginia and an end to the banning of inter-racial marriages -America's first black comedy star: Bert Williams
-William Lloyd Garrison's fight for racial and gender equality --Jesse Owens and his triumph in the "Nazi" Olympics -Muhammad Ali against the world -Reginald Lewis and how to make a billion
-Harriet Beecher Stowe comes  to write UNCLE TOM'S CABIN based upon her  experiences in Southern Ohio -Joe Louis and his bout with "Nazi" boxing champ Max Schmelling -The fight of Fannie Lou Hamer in the Jim Crow south -The rise of Ben Carson
-Abe Lincoln meets with black leaders about a return to Africa -the Black Panthers and black power -A. Philip Randolph and the Pullman Strike -The Story of the Nation of Islam from Farad to Farrakhan
-Aboard a slave ship -OF the short, powerful life of Tupac Shakur -Paul Robeson fights the House on Un American Activities -Black athletes/black power at the Olympics in Mexico City
-The defense of the slaves who took over the slave ship Amistad by John Quincy Adams -The controversy of Bill Cosby -The Michael Jackson story -Madam C.J. Walker self-made millionaire
-Black cowboys and pioneers -Marcus Garvey and UNIA fighting for African solidarity -Trayvon Martin and racial profiling in Florida -Gordon Parks, pioneer of black photography and film
-Crispus Attucks and the Boston Massacre -An argument between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois -The Watts Riots in Los Angeles -Morgan Freeman and the end of "black" history
-Blacks in the American Revolution -Malcolm X confronts Elijah Muhammad (or argues with Martin Luther King) -The Hough Riots in Cleveland -Lebron James from poverty to superstardom
-Phillis Wheatley, American Poet -Mary McLeod Bethune meets Eleanor Roosevelt and becomes a force for equality  -The troubles in Ferguson, MO.  -Hattie McDaniel makes acting Mammy into an art form
- William Still and the Underground Railroad -The Shirley Chisholm story -The shooting of Tamir Rice in Cleveland -Sidney Poitier breaks through the color barrier to stardom
-Dred Scott pleads for his freedom before the Supreme Court -Oprah Winfrey creates a media empire -The story of Barak Obama -Nina Simone and a voice of equality
-Beyonce and Kanye West go at it

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Essay Writing: Write a researched historical work designed to be performed
Reference No:- TGS01405297

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