
Write a research report on a chosen network technology

Option 1 - Research Report

You are required to write a research report on a chosen Network Technology/ Protocol/Topic (not already covered on the course) from the following list:

Intelligent Transport systems (ITS)

802.16 (WiMax) VOIP

Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) Network Security

Security Management Network Management Vehicle Networks

Vehicle Ad hoc Networks (VANET)

The main objective of the research report is for you to demonstrate that you can take your existing knowledge of networks and use this to understand, and critically review, an area of networks you are not familiar with. In the rapidly changing field of Networks this is an important skill for anyone working in the networks industry.

The report should be between 3000 - 5000 words (exceeding the limit will affect the mark). Note that you must research the area, distil any information, which you gather and then present this in your own words, although it is acceptable to copy diagrams from sources, provided these are referenced. The report should be structured so that the technical description, critical review and related aspects are clearly visible as major sections of the report, as these are the basis of the marking scheme.

Make sure you are familiar with the University's policies on plagiarism and late submission. The report must be submitted through Turnitin on BlackBoard. Turnitin will automatically produce a report detailing any (every) similarities found with other work. A hard copy must also be submitted through Student Support Centre (GH0.4a), as normal. It is expected that normal conventions are used to produce the report, including referencing other work correctly.

A random sample of students may be asked to attend a viva. At the viva you will be questioned on what you have written in the report and therefore it is important that you only include concepts and information which you understand.

You are expected to structure your report with Technical Description, Critical Review, Related Aspects as major subsection headings. This helps you focus on the marking scheme. Failure to address these will mean you do not get marks for this section. The Technical Description must provide sufficient details that explain how the chosen technology works, not just about how it is used - how it is used could be part of the Related Aspects section.

Option 2 - Network Programming


You are required to develop a File Transfer network application (similar to, but not as comprehensive as, ftp) using sockets. Ideally the application should support simultaneous uploads/downloads of files from multiple remote clients to a server. You must provide a client and server.

The deliverables are:

1. Definition of a set of requirements/functionality for the application. You are encouraged to carry out a short evaluation of similar applications and use this evaluation to decide on the requirements.

2. Implementation of the requirements and thus the working application.

3. Testing documentation for one non trivial requirement given in 1 above - I am looking for evidence that you know how to properly test the application, not a comprehension test specification.

4. Evaluation of the work. This should be a short (1-2 pages) critical review of your achievements - covering things like the problems which you encountered (and your solutions), aspects of the application which work well, suggestions about future enhancements, etc. - essentially the strengths and weaknesses of your application.

5. A demonstration of the working application. You will be asked questions about the implementation at the demo.

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Computer Networking: Write a research report on a chosen network technology
Reference No:- TGS01267128

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