
Write a research paper that include historical implications


A research-style paper will be due near the end of the course. The topic must be something related to motorsports. The student is expected to investigate an important aspect of motorsports.

• The research paper should include historical implications, economic issues, social issues, cultural perspectives and even the science behind the technology being explored.

• People, places, events, sanctioning bodies or the specific technology may serve as the focus of the paper.

• Students should provide details as to the significance of the contribution and the subsequent impacts on racing.

• The assignment should reflect more than one person's perspective.

• Written in APA manuscript style, this paper is expected to be a minimum of 2200 words in length and reference at least 8 different sources, with no more than 4 Internet only sources. Note that a source found online but also available in print, is not considered an internet only source.

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Other Subject: Write a research paper that include historical implications
Reference No:- TGS02475811

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