
Write a research paper subject will be on activity based


Topic- My research paper subject will be on Activity Based Accounting in the Health Industry (can also include managerial accounting, cost allocation, indirect costs). DO NOT INCLUDE ANY OTHER TOPICS ONLY ACTIVITY BASED ACCOUNTING IN HEALTHCARE.

Place an annotated bibliography, under the outline heading the source will support.

The 10 sources (1 paragraph per source) annotated bibliography must support the heading under which it is placed.

Research Paper Outline

This outline, with few changes, was utilized to write an outstanding research paper.

Your outline is your "roadmap" for the writing process.

A good outline ensures that you understand your topic and that you can collect the information to write a good paper.

In the paper writing you will probably continue your research and add or delete a few articles to arrive at the goal of your paper)


This outline provides details for the proper style for submission of research paper outlines in this class. The abstract will contain 160 words or less and be indented. The discussion below will assist you in preparing a research paper an acceptable style for this class.


The introductory paragraph, 12 lines or less in length, does not require citations unless there are direct quotes or close paraphrases of another author. The paragraph introduces the reader to the content of the paper.


1. Battistella, R. (2013). U.S. universal health coverage at a crossroad. International Advances in Economic Research, 19(4), 409-423.

Include a one paragraph summary, at least 12 lines in length, which summarizes the entire article.

2. Lowry, S., &Gravelle, J. G. (2013). The affordable care act and small business: Economic issues [CRS Report for Congress]. Retrieved from Congressional Research Service.

Include a one paragraph summary, at least 12 lines in length, which summarizes the entire article.

(Repeat the above format, including numbering each source, for all 10 source documents)


(Continue the format used to support the first topic.)

Prepare the entire outline in the above format ensuring that at least 10 sources are used.)

Attachment:- Sources.rar

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Dissertation: Write a research paper subject will be on activity based
Reference No:- TGS02468629

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