
Write a research paper for microcontrolle use in finger

Write a research paper for microcontrolle use in finger print scanner.

1 - write a genral thinghs about finger print scanner
2- write about microcontroller in finger print scanner
3- add schematic diagram
4- add block diagram for finger print scanner
5- flow chart as well is nedded

The paper should not be less than 8 pages

Research Paper / Oral Presentation Format

Taken from "Preparation of Manuscripts for the IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society"

Recommended length: 8-10 double-spaced pages plus a title page. The max length is 10 pages. Handwritten papers will not be accepted. No more than 25% of the length of the per can be used for schematics, figures, graphs, etc.

Deadlines: Topics should be selected and approved by April 7 in the discussion board of D2L. Presentations will be held at the end of the semester, specific date wi II be assigned i n class.

Topic: Topics related to the Basic Stamp or any other mi crocontrol I er interfacing applications. You are, however, strongly encouraged to find novel and unusual applications. Your topic has to be approved before you can present. Please refer to D2L Forum for specific instructions. Remember, you are looking for a real-world application of a mi crocontrol I er-based system, preferably basic stamp-based. You need to have schematics and explain codes, programming, and interfacing sensors and external devices.

Paper Format

The per should include each of the following headings

Title Page

Include title of paper, name, date and submittal information ("Submitted as Requirement for ET-4660")


Please preface your paper with an abstract of not more than 200 words. The reader should be able to determine interest in the paper from the abstract. No tables, figures, or equations may be included in the abstract.


Provide a list of up to ten keywords to help identify the major topics of the paper. Briefly include an explanation of each of these key words

1. Introduction/Background (choose one)

Briefly describe topic for paper. Define any special terms or acronyms. Provide background information needed for clarity. No more than two paragraphs.

2. Main Topic (make these headings fit your topic) A. Sub Topic

i. Sub topic

This is where detailed information on your topic is presented. Any tables, figures, or equations should be included in this section and should be numbered and referenced in the paper.

3. Conclusion/Summary (choose one)

Describe any conclusions derived from the report, or provide a summary of information provided in paper. Statements should be clear and concise. No more than two paragraphs.


Conclude your per with your list of citations. Each paper must have a minimum of three references. References bring credibility to the paper, so ensure each citation is complete and correct. References should be commonly available publications.

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