
Write a research paper about socioeconomic status and

Write a research paper about socioeconomic status and domestic violence in the United States of America. The research question should be does socioeconomic status contribute to domestic violence?

This is a general guideline. All pieces must be included but do not have to follow this exact order,


  • What is the research question? Explain the rationale behind the question and what the purpose of the question is. This section should be broader than your hypothesis.
  • From this section should know why this is a worthy question to research.
  • What is the importance of the research question and the following paper? Why should I care?

Literature Review

  • What has been done relating to your research question? You need to include ample literature here (minimum 15 citations). Summarize the key important findings for the literature. I should have an idea from reading this how it relates to your question.



  • Based on your literature review, you need to clearly state your hypothesis. (For example increases in terrorism (IV) will lead to increases in money spent on law enforcement (DV).) Use what the literature has said to support your hypothesis. You may also include other hypotheses based on your control variables if they are important to the study. (In the above example I may also wanted to discuss a control variable, crime rate, and explain why that would increase law enforcement).

Current Data

  • What data are you using, where did it come from?
  • Describe the variables and how they are measured.
  • What are the control variables? Why are they in your analyses (this may be in the hypothesis section)
  • What are your descriptive statistics for each variable? (Create a table***). Discuss any that are of interest.
  • Include any relevant graphs to show information about your variables.


  • Explain what type of analysis you are using (OLS, logistic, etc). What will this method tell you about your findings?


Discuss what you found based on your analysis. Discuss all findings.

  • You may want to include any other important and relevant tests here such as t-tests, ANOVA, or chi-2 if you used them. Usually these would be shown before any regression results and discussed.
  • Show your regression in a table format with key p-values correctly starred and coefficients and standard errors shown.

Discussion and Conclusions

  • Discuss your major findings and summarize the conclusion to your initial research question.
  • Are there any policy implications? What can be done with the results?
  • Address any limitations to your data and to the analysis.
  • Discuss future directions and where the research should go next. A good research paper should pose new questions for the scholarly community to pursue.

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Dissertation: Write a research paper about socioeconomic status and
Reference No:- TGS02252762

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