
Write a research paper about electronic medical records

Research Paper Assignment

This assignment has two goals:

1) have students increase their understanding of the concept of protecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and other ethical issues related to the use of information technology through research, and

2) learn to correctly use the tools and techniques within MS Word to format a research paper including using MS Word's citation tools.

These skills will be valuable throughout the student's academic studies and business career. The paper will require a title page, 2-3 pages of content with incorporation of a minimum of 3 external resources from credible sources, and a Works Cited/Reference page. A list of topics from which students can choose is provided below.

Topics for Research Paper

1. Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
2. Social Engineering
3. Employee Monitoring
4. Content Filtering
5. Information Privacy
6. Electronic Medical Records
7. Biometrics (in terms of ethical and privacy issues)
8. Identity Theft
9. Use of Cookies
10. Privacy Laws related to Information Technology use
11. Intellectual Property Rights; Copyright

Good resources include the chapters on MS Word in your MS Office 2010textbook and the UMUC Library website

In addition, Writing Resourcesand the APA Tutorial(under Course Content) and the Webliography are available on the left side of the main WebTycho page.

You may use the APA template to prepare your paper. It is a conference titled APA Template for Students and is located in the WebTycho Conferences section.

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Dissertation: Write a research paper about electronic medical records
Reference No:- TGS02432051

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