
Write a research paper about drug testing in the workplace

Research Essay

The Research Essay will require you to research and choose readings to incorporate into your essay. After completing choose one of the following topics for your essay (listed below). Be sure to choose a position on the topic. For example, if you choose holistic medicine/therapy, then make sure to state how holistic medicine/therapy is OR is not a good alternative to traditional medical practices. Think about the possible negatives and positives for each topic to narrow the topics below. The essay will be four to five pages in length and employ APA format.

Follow these guidelines to write your Research Essay:

- The Research Essay should be include at least three scholarly sources and four to five pages in length. Choose one of the following topics and choose one position on the topic:

o "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance
o Single Sex Schools
o Drug testing in the workplace
o Businesses refusing to provide services to same sex couples
o Beauty Pageants

- Include an APA title page
- Include APA in-text citations wherever you reference the text.
- Include a reference page in APA format.
- Be objective and avoid using "I," "you," and "we."

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Essay Writing: Write a research paper about drug testing in the workplace
Reference No:- TGS01375669

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