
Write a research paper about chinua achebes things fall

Write an Essay on given topic.

Things Fall Apart their culture is different compared to Americans. How they are able to treat their children and wives is legal there and no punishment occurs like it would in The United States. Do the customs of this tribe cause more problems than it should and how they change after the white people change everything and have laws, prison, churches?

This is my outline but I never got around to a topic sentence. I also need to use these refernces for my essay.


The Portfolio Project is designed to require you to expand your understanding of Things Fall Apart by combining knowledge and application of content with your own interpretation and judgment. For the Portfolio Project, you will write a research paper about Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart, supplementing your own interpretation with information from three to five other sources. Your interpretation of this novel should reflect an international perspective. Information about planning your research paper and conducting your research can be found in the lecture material for Module .

Essay Formatting Requirements:

• 5-7 pages.
• Your final paper will be graded not only based on content but also based upon the quality of your writing, syntax, and grammar.

Please be sure to pay special attention to the quality of your written work. It is highly recommended that you closely proofread your assignment prior to submission. In addition, you are again expected to provide support for your arguments based upon both the required and recommended readings for the course and your research, as well as to incorporate any relevant points culled from the discussion boards.

• Finally, you will take the particular research question that you are developing as the thesis of your Portfolio Project and contextualize it in such a way as to convey an international or multicultural understanding of the novel. For example, if you are developing a cultural analysis of the novel, you would need to answer, as a part of your research thesis, how one culture develops in direct competition against the emergence of another foreign culture. Or, if you are developing a feminist analysis, you would need to answer, as a part of your research question, how one culture's treatment of women changes when confronted by another culture's differing attitude toward women. Or, if you were doing a direct compare/contrast analysis, you would need to directly compare specific aspects of one culture against another culture.

• In other words, any critical perspective from which you frame your thesis and overall paper needs to convey a sharper international or multicultural understanding of the novel and should be reflected in your outline and reference list.


• Achebe, C. (1959). Things fall apart. New York: Anchor Books.

• Foofo, F. (2013, March 24). Review: THings fall apart, chinua achebe. Retrieved from GhanaWeb: https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Review-Things-Fall-Apart-Chinua-Achebe-268779

• Johnson, T. (2001, April). Things fall apart. Retrieved from Colonial & Postcolonial Literary Dialogues: https://wmich.edu/dialogues/texts/thingsfallapart.html#citations

• Kenalemang, L. M. (n.d.). Things fall apart: An analysis of pre and post-colonial igbo society. Retrieved from Karlstads University: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:648320/fulltext01.pdf

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