
Write a research essay on scholarly topic in 1800-2000

Write a Research essay on scholarly topic in 1800-2000 words.

Research Essay

The three topic suggestions below try to address both those students who think they know the topic that they would like to research and those who would prefer to have suggestions for topics.

The first topic seems wide open; however, be advised that the usual restrictions apply. Avoid topics about which you cannot be open-minded (e.g., abortion, perhaps); avoid the para-normal (e.g., crop circles, visitors from outer space) and those involving your personal religious beliefs. Restrict your selection to topics that have an abundance of scholarly secondary sources.

If you plan to do primary research such as conducting interviews or circulating questionnaires, you will need to apply to the TRU Research Ethics Committee for approval; that process can be time-consuming: Don't delay.

A more general and more obvious restriction is that of feasibility: Are the needed research sources available in a timely way to you?

As our text points out, part of the research challenge is to narrow down from a broad topic-capital punishment-to a particular research problem-the capital punishment debate within the Canadian Progressive Conservative Party in the 1950s. Identify a research site and a prestige abstraction.

1. Let your interests be your guide. Formulate a research topic from your keenest interests. But heed the advice given above!

2. Follow up on a topic related to one of the previously assigned articles from BC Studies and British Columbia History.

3. Follow up on a topic related to one of the research papers in our text.

Length: 1,750 to 2,000 words, including Works Cited

Note: Include photocopies of all your sources with any quotes highlighted.

A Final Word or Two-for now

Whichever topic you choose must be fully cited and documented. Use the conventions of the most current MLA handbook.

The paper's Works Cited should contain at least four scholarly sources; and the paper should make effective use of all its sources. Do not submit a paper previously written for another course.

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English: Write a research essay on scholarly topic in 1800-2000
Reference No:- TGS01064235

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